Colorado Hunting Ban


Why it Matters: The use of ballot initiatives to restrict or ban hunting circumvents the legislative and regulatory process that allows for input by professionals, opportunities for revisions, and considerations of broader impacts within the state’s overall science-based management plan. These initiatives can allow wildlife management decisions to be made based on emotion rather than scientific principles and can tie the hands of professional wildlife managers by restricting adaptive tools and methods necessary to achieve balanced and thriving ecosystems.

What can you do?  As of Jan 12th 2024 - share the info below, download and share the videos, and donate to CRWM.  There will be more engagement opportunities in the future.

READ MORE HERE - from Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation

READ MORE HERE - From Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

Listen to six important podcasts below

Check out these two excellent videos on Mountain Lion & Bobcat Management in Colorado given by CPW biologists.

Download CRWM videos to share to IG/FB

Click the graphics below to help CRWM spearhead this fight!

Donate to CRWM here



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