Colorado Outdoorsman Days

Friday, August 09, 2024 at 10:00 AM through August 10, 2024

It is that time of year again and it is that time to step up and Save the Hunt in Colorado.  If you have not heard, the extremists are on the move to alter our way of life and destroy Science Based Wildlife Management.  The fight is on, and the plan is being enacted at multiple levels.  Please join us in defeating these efforts and to helping Save the Hunt in Colorado.  

The Outdoorsman Days Event and fundraiser Banquet is coming up August 9th and 10th at Pathfinder Regional Park in Florence, Colorado. 

Click here for more event information with a full line-up of two days of activities, coupled with a Friday Night Chuck Wagon Dinner. 

Click here for Friday Night Chuckwagon Dinner Tickets.

Additionally, with a full Saturday line-up of Vendors, Demos, Kids Fishing Derby, Trappers of the Past, Gold Panning, Competitions and World-Renowned Celebrities the Weekend finishes with a Saturday Night Save the Hunt Conservation Banquet that will be bigger and better than last year's extraordinary event.

Click here for Saturday Night Banquet Tickets.  

Please see the fliers below, and you can also go to for more information. We would like you to be Ambassadors to spread the word, not only about this event and activities but also to bring awareness to the issues and help support the nationwide community efforts to Save the Hunt in Colorado.  We look forward to seeing you on August 9th and 10th at Outdoorsman Days in Florence, Colorado.  For more information, make sure to follow @c.r.w.m on Instagram and on Facebook, Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management.