California Bear Hunt - Guard the Gate Call

Monday, April 18, 2022 at 06:30 PM

Your RSVP email from HOWL will share additional details.

Please join us, please share and bring your fellow hunters and conservation advocates. 

This Guard the Gate Call is a prep & planning discussion so that our community of hunters and conservation advocates can be ready to talk in FAVOR of hunting, opportunity and science based wildlife management in California. On 4/21/22 we need to SHOW UP for the Fish & Game Commission Meeting, and this call will help us rally, prepare and speak clearly as a community.

We anticipate bringing HUNDREDS of hunters to this discussion and we want every one of us to be informed with data, ready to participate. We hope to bring global attention and support for hunting and informed wildlife management. The HSUS attack on bear hunting relies with rhetoric, manipulated data and emotion - but we can overcome their anti-hunting bigotry with science, data, facts and passionate support for the sustainable adventure, sport and heritage that is bear hunting. 

Guard the Gate! This call is intended to help our community prepare, plan and execute an overwhelming response to HSUS bias, prejudice, lies and cultural attack.