Below is the body of a sign on letter that we will use to support the condemnation of the act and to recognize that there may be further issues we need to explore.  This will first show there is a strong group of hunters who are deeply concerned.  Our overall goal is to offer solutions from a hunter's and North American Model of Wildlife Conservation point of view. The anti-hunting point of view is sure to come, and it must not come uncontested.  If you would like to have your organization or company logo added to the sign-on letter, please email that logo to [email protected].  The individual who committed these acts should not be considered as a representation of hunters.  Anyone who commits similar acts should face much greater fines and the loss of hunting rights and privileges.  Howl is 100% in support of legal trapping, archery, using hounds, and, of course, managing wolves, for example.  We are not in support of protecting this individual's actions or the mere $250 fine issued for transporting a live wolf as the only crime. 

See the letter, orgs and companies who have signed on here.