Thank The WA Commissioners Who Support Responsible, Science-Based Wildlife Management

Washington is currently in a battle to save hunting and the hunting lifestyle.  Anti-hunting extremists are attacking our culture and heritage and have demonstrated that they are willing to do anything to push their values, including lies, manipulation, intimidation, and intentional misinformation.  With the support of the governor, there are now anti-hunting commissioners on the Wildlife Commission. They have attacked the North American model of wildlife conservation and have taken advantage of every opportunity to dismantle it.  Despite this corruption, there are individuals who have continued to fight for responsible, objective, science-based wildlife management.  These commissioners, and the director of the F&G department, have continued to push back and do everything in their power to uphold their mandate and prioritize the well-being of wildlife over personal agendas.


We want to take a moment to thank those commissioners and the director for being willing to weather the storm and for representing the North American model and responsible wildlife management.  We want to let them know we recognize their efforts and support them.  Several commissioners have terms that are ending this year; we want the ones who support science-based wildlife management to continue for another term, and we want them to know we will be with them every step of the way.  



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