Reject Lame Duck Appointments in Washington's Wildlife Commission

Urge your legislators to reject the confirmations of the last-minute Fish and Wildlife Commission appointments under SGA9200 and SGA9199. These appointments were done at the last minute by outgoing Governor Inslee. By doing so, you will help uphold the transparent, science-based process required by RCW 77.04.040.
For your reading pleasure: a Seattle Times article submitted by Ryan Garrett
Tell decision-makers to:
- Insist on collaboration with tribal co-managers, hunters, anglers, and diverse stakeholder groups.
- Restore public trust by allowing incoming Governor Ferguson (NOT INSLEE) to conduct a lawful, open appointment process.
- Promote science-based wildlife management that respects the North American model of conservation.
- These Lame Duck Appointments underscore the conclusions by the Rucklehaus Review: The commission appointment process is in shambles!
Your HOWL is crucial to ensuring Washington’s fish and wildlife are managed responsibly and inclusively for generations to come.