Gun Violence Funding solely on the backs of Sportsmen? Contact Gov. Newsom to Veto

URGENT: Tell Gov. Newsom to VETO California’s proposed hunting and recreational shooting tax hike

The California Assembly and Senate want sportsmen and women in California to shoulder an additional 11% tax on firearms, firearm parts, and ammunition to pay for gun violence prevention, education, and research programs in the state. 

AB 28 — an additional tax that would fund the “Gun Violence Prevention, Healing, and Recovery Fund” — has passed both the Assembly and Senate and is now on Gov. Newsom’s desk for his signature or veto. 

We need his veto.

If he signs the bill into law, the total tax burden for hunters and recreational shooters would rocket to almost 30 percent. Yes, you read that correctly. 

There are three significant reasons Gov. Newsom should veto this bill:  

ONE — AB 28 would place the entire burden of funding illegal gun violence prevention, education, and research solely on the backs of citizens who legally purchase and lawfully use firearms, rather than all citizens across the state paying their fair share. Everyone in California benefits from programs that help mitigate illegal gun violence — everyone should pay into that funding source. 

TWO — By raising the tax burden on firearm and ammunition purchases to almost 30 percent, the bill would disenfranchise an enormous number of economically disadvantaged individuals and communities — making it completely unaffordable for them to purchase firearms for their own safety or to participate in hunting or recreational shooting. A bad move considering the State Legislature’s efforts to promote outdoor recreation and more access.

THREE — The tax that sportsmen and women already pay on firearms and ammunition through P-R is allocated back to the state to fund wildlife management, conservation, and research efforts. 

This year alone, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife will receive more than $30 million from P-R, which will fund a significant portion of the state’s wildlife and habitat conservation projects for both game and non-game species. 

If an additional 11 percent tax is imposed, the loss of sales will also mean a loss of P-R funds, which will translate into less wildlife management, conservation, and research across the state — something that will negatively affect all Californians and will do nothing to prevent illegal gun violence.


Read Sportsmen Coalition Opposition Letter Here

Information, direction and overview provided by Bill Gaines of Gaines & Associates.  A huge thanks to Bill, it's partnerships like these that make our platform successful.  

CONTACT: Gov. Newsom

There are millions of gun owners in California.  There is no excuse. 

When you take action you'll be individually emailing the Gov. of California. 1 of thousands of different examples will pop up below for you to send or you can edit and write your own.   In fact, we encourage you to write your own or add to ours for an even more unique message.  

California Residents! - Add something like this at the top of the email: Hi, I'm (Insert name) from (insert CA Town) if you are using our example email.  You don't need to add anything else if you aren't further editing and the greeting and closing is automatically added when sent.  

Let Governor Newsom know that the sportsmen and women of California and beyond are adamantly opposed to AB 28 and ask him to veto the bill outright.

Additionally you call call/fax him at: 

Phone: (916) 445-2841

Press 1 or 2 English/Spanish, then 6 to speak to a rep, then 3 to leave a message

Fax: (916) 558-3160