Wolves need to be managed in British Columbia to save endangered caribou herds

The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation states: Scientific management is the proper means for wildlife conservation.

There is a growing body of science showing that the reduction in wolf density in British Columbia’s caribou recovery areas is helping endangered caribou recover. There is no rational basis to argue over the effectiveness of wolf control. For example, the Klinse-Za caribou herd in Northeastern BC has tripled in the last decade. The Itcha-Ilgachuz herd increased by 30% in one year because wolf control is part of the suite of conservation actions being used to halt the decline of endangered caribou herds.

There are numerous groups that continue to petition the government to end the “wolf cull." These groups are trying to sway public opinion by misrepresenting the science and fabricating fictional emotional stories about wolves. These groups never educate the public about how the wolf control program is helping to save endangered caribou – they simply deny the science.

The government’s wolf control program takes place in 13 of the 54 caribou recovery management areas, yet anti-predator management groups typically portray the government as eradicating wolves from the entire province. The wolf control program is only removing around 1 to 2% of the provincial population of wolves each year. The wolf control program is not threatening wolves with extinction. Wolves are still ranked as abundant and secure in the province. The removal of a tiny fraction of the provincial population of wolves in very specific locations is helping to halt the extinction of caribou, and this conservation action needs to be defended.

The anti-predator control groups are not interested in saving endangered caribou. Their end game is to end predator hunting and trapping and eventually end all hunting and trapping.

It’s time to stop the anti-predator management groups in their tracks and let all the elected officials in BC know that conservationists from across North America support the BC government’s science-based program to save caribou, which includes its wolf control program.



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