Townhall for Winning in Colorado: Conservation vs. Ballot Box Biology

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 05:00 PM

Please join HOWL for this townhall, so that WE CAN WIN in Colorado. We will discuss what you can do over the next 60 days to ensure a future of big game hunting, successful conservation, and the perpetuation of ecosystem success which is supported by the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.  

Hunting opportunity throughout North America is at risk. Anti-hunting extremists are using "ballot box biology" to attack one of the most successful and highly regulated hunts in Colorado. The threat of a ballot initiative in Colorado extends to every hunter though, no matter what, where or how you pursue the adventure of wild harvests. 

Attendees will receive a ZOOM link via email prior to the Townhall. 

**Share the event and rally your friends and community of hunters, anglers, and conservationists.**

Three Townhall events will be hosted by HOWL, each of these will have the same content: 

Sept. 5, 6pm MT

Sept. 9, 6pm MT

Sept. 11, 6pm MT